A quick report from the IPPC Chair, Birgit Wartenberg regarding the board games being collected for Tipi Moza.  Just wrapping up our last project for 2022. We successfully collected ...... tada......
approx. 52 board games & 20 decks of cards
  • RC Trenton -12, Brian already delivered them to Ana, see photo
  • Jennifer - 30, delivered to Jamie Trudeau, see photo
  • Jamie Trudeau - 10
  • Shoreline Casino, Belleville and Jamie Trudeau - 20 decks of cards
Jamie delivered three boxes to Burke's Funeral Home and Eric Thompson will take them over to Kingston on December 16th. 
Thank you all for another quick and successful project. Birgit passed on her appreciation for all the support when she comes up with "an idea".
She said something about already working on something for January. 
Good work everyone!